Diversity, Biases, Allyship
Learn more about diversity dimensions, unconscious biases, allyship, the anti-bias approach, empowerment, and more through interactive learning formats and team-building exercises.
Available as online workshops or in-house training sessions.

Unconscious Bias Training
Out of the Box! 📦
We all have something in common: biases. A bias is a form of prejudice or distorted perception. More importantly, biases act as filters that protect our brains from overload by simplifying what cannot be simplified: people.
Our biases put people into boxes, which can be quite restrictive, don't you think?
But now the good news: people are incredibly smart! We can train our brains to become an efficient anti-bias muscle.
The more we understand how unconscious biases influence decision-making processes, such as promotions and hiring, the more we can contribute to an inclusive work environment. In this training, you will build your own anti-bias toolkit that you can continuously expand on.

For companies, organizations, HR departments, teams, and individuals with personnel responsibilities who want to understand and address a) resistance within their team and b) their own biases, as well as their impact on team collaboration and the promotion of diversity at all levels of the employee life cycle.
Who is this for?

Great to combine with:
Diversity & Intersectionality
Diversi...what? ❔
In diversity trainings, you'll learn more about which diversity dimensions are interconnected in your personal and lived experiences and how they impact you and others on an institutional and structural level. We discuss diversity in everyday life and in the workplace, the theory and practice of intersectionality, and engage in interactive exercises that encourage perspective shifts.

Who is this for?

Great to combine with
In our family, friendships, and partnerships, as well as from our life experiences and work, we encounter diversity. It affects us all, whether through parenthood, migration history, unequal access to education, age, gender, (dis)ability and much more.
Companies, organizations, departments and teams that do not have an established diversity management yet and want to learn more about what diversity actually is, why it matters and why it is so complex. You will understand that diversity dimensions affect you, too, and why it should be in everybody's interest to foster a more inclusive work culture and environment.
Allyship Training
Solidarity 🫱🏻🫲🏾
In an Allyship Training, we delve into the meaning behind allyship and these buzzwords. We practice a culture of 'braver spaces' and equip you with tools that you can use in both your professional and personal life to advocate for diversity, inclusion, and social justice in solidarity.
Confident allyship is crucial: it contributes to improved visibility for marginalized individuals or groups, enhances belonging, and demonstrates functional support systems in organizational contexts, which are essential for the success of anti-discrimination measures.

Who is this for?

Great to combine with
Allyship goes far beyond simply 'showing up' when something unjust happens. It means being vigilant and proactive in standing up for equal social participation and equity in matters that don’t directly affect me, without seeking personal gain or recognition. At the same time, we don't want to patronize people. Then there are buzzwords like Critical Whiteness, Critical Masculinity, Empowerment vs. Power-Sharing, and many more. This may seem overwhelming.
Companies, organizations, teams, authorities and educational institutions that want to establish a safe and supportive workplace culture.
Let's get this started!
I am thrilled to working with you on your DEIB journey!
Please fill out the form.
The more specific the information you provide, the better - however, do not worry if you do not know some of the parameters yet. We will talk about everything in detail on our first call.
I am looking forward to our collaboration and wish you a wonderful day!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.